Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Google Story Book Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Google Story Book Report - Essay Example With intriguing characters like Larry Page and Sergey Brin and CEO Eric Schmidt, one will undoubtedly turn the pages of this book and quick. My undisputed top choice among these characters introduced by the creators is Larry Page for his feeling of mind more than all else. Likewise, he has demonstrated huge point of view where thoroughly considering of the crate and having colossal premonition is concerned. With his trademark calm comical inclination he is a man who gets things going. Unassuming as he runs over, he has been hailed as a legend by many. For instance, this saint commended the main check earned for Google by eating with his accomplice at Burger King! (Tight clamp et al, 2006) This may likewise be because of the way that he is the forerunner of the social development made by Google which brings individuals and data inside nearness of one another. The Google story, has a huge story board set over a plenty of settings and formed with huge amounts of examination. This is clear in the subtleties introduced in the book. Likewise, there is a solid individual and human touch to the story and the manner in which it has been told, a style that is an invite takeoff from the average scholastic configuration followed by most essayists of such subjects. This makes the book even more hard hitting. In such manner, I will look to analyze different components that are generally significant in the present powerful condition and pace of life. The first of these components is the executives style. Google, as an organization and a worldwide brand, has an adaptable administration style where each representative is an individual asset. Additionally, this organization is versatile in its style and its administration is one that centers around an insightful way to deal with every issue. Further, its administration style is one that shows a huge portrayal of the nations it works in, where work culture is concerned. (Tight clamp et al, 2006) Google has set new measures in remarkable administration styles by indicating how each organization needs to take advantage of the individual objectives of its representatives to make and keep up a particular style that will add to the equivalent and help incorporate the association's objectives with those of the people working inside. In such manner, Google's administration style is one that is forward glancing and situated in results and representative fulfillment. It has a solid nexus with the philanthropic way to deal with all issues, which makes it even more pleasant to work here and be a piece of the Google group. Additionally, the way that it is exceptionally casual and easy in its way to deal with regular tasks, makes it even more simpler to relate with Google at an individual level. Globalization is another component that adds to the essential picture of Google. As an organization that has a particular arrangement of administrations and virtual items most definitely, Google has introduced a time of immense data and information the executives. Along these lines, globalization has been Google's center name and this has been altogether inspected in the book by Vise and Malseed. Google has helped shape the worldwide social industry with its administrations like Orkut, which

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Effect of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase Essay Example

Impact of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase Paper Theory The ideal temperatures of Alcalase and Savinase will be unique. Above and beneath their ideal temperatures movement will diminish. Organic clarification This examination is intended to take a gander at the impact of temperature on the movement of the proteases Alcalase and Savinase. Before the finish of it I would like to know the ideal temperature of the two proteases. The substrate I am going to use during the examinations is the protein gelatin, which is a translucent, dull, fragile strong substance found in the collagen inside an animals’ connective tissues. In my analyses it will be as a solitary, slender layer, utilized on the outside of photographic film. It is helpful in photography since it goes about as protein stick, staying the silver halide precious stones to the outside of the plastic film. I am utilizing it in this structure, as it is anything but difficult to see when the protein has processed the gelatin. This is on the grounds that typically the outside of the gelatine-silver halide layer turns dark when presented to light. Be that as it may, when the catalyst has evacuated the gelatin the dark shading will vanish and just the unmistakable plastic will be obvious. We will compose a custom paper test on Effect of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Effect of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Effect of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer In this way, it tends to be handily recognized when the response between the catalyst and the gelatin is finished, so this type of gelatin is exceptionally suitable. Alcalase is a high temperature protease, which means it works best at high temperatures, so its ideal temperature must be genuinely high in relative terms, considering that most organic compounds have an ideal temperature of 37. 5 °C. It is regularly found in soil. Because of it being a high temperature protease I would anticipate that its action should increment with the temperature up to its ideal temperature, which I contemplate 50 °C. I anticipate its ideal temperature to associate with this figure in light of the fact that the catalyst is utilized in washing powders and this is a sensible temperature to washing garments at. Savinase is a low temperature protease, which means it works best at low temperatures, so its ideal temperature must be genuinely low in relative terms, considering that most natural chemicals have an ideal temperature of 37. 5 °C. It likewise is found in soil. Because of it being a low temperature protease I would anticipate that its action should diminish as the temperature increments once the temperature is over its ideal temperature. I figure the ideal temperature will be about 30 °C in light of the fact that this compound is additionally utilized in washing powder, however in exceptional vitality sparing washing powder, which works at 30 °C. The proteases can separate the protein gelatin since they are explicit to the response expecting to occur. They are explicit in that their dynamic destinations on the outside of the chemical fit the gelatin substrate, satisfying the lock and key speculation and shaping a protein substrate complex. The ideal temperature is the temperature at which these developments happen most productively, because of the compounds dynamic site being the most exact shape to fit the substrate. In this manner, temperature influences the movement of catalysts by changing the state of the dynamic site, which implies it is changing the tertiary structure of the protein. The tertiary structure is changed on the grounds that the feeble hydrogen bonds that hold the protein in its 3D helical shape are broken because of the warmth. Just as the compounds dynamic site being the right shape at the ideal temperature there is a superior equalization of motor vitality, causing more impacts among catalyst and substrate and thusly more protein substrate edifices are framed, expanding movement. At high temperatures in correlation with the ideal temperature the catalysts tertiary structure may change totally, impairing all movement, as the substrate won’t fit the dynamic site. This is known as denaturation. In any case, at temperatures underneath the ideal, the tertiary structure of the protein isn’t modified and denaturation doesn't happen, it is basically a more slow pace of response because of less active vitality and in this manner diminished impacts between the chemicals and substrates. Contraption *2 200cm3 Volumetric Flask †to hold the chemical arrangements *2 Stirring poles †to help with covering film strips in arrangement *3 Boiling tubes †to hold segments of photographic film in water shower *Scissors †to cut photographic film *Ruler †to quantify a length of photographic film *Stop clock †to time brooding period Balance exact to 2d. p. †to weigh out mass of catalyst required *Exposed, created photographic film †as substrate *4g Encapsulated Alcalase †as high temperature protease compound *4g Encapsulated Savinase †as low temperature protease chemical *Water shower †to brood bubbling cylinders holding photographic fi lm at temperatures 30 °C - 100 °C at 10 °C interims *400cm3 pH8. 0 support †to keep up a steady pH *2 200 cm3 Volumetric Flask †to quantify the volume of cushion required *Thermometer †to check temperature of arrangement when in water shower *Volumetric Pipette †to allot the volume of catalyst required Factors *Temperature †This is the main variable I will intentionally change. I will do this by utilizing a water shower at a few distinct temperatures. These temperatures are 30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C, 60 °C, 70 °C, 80 °C, 90 °C and 100 °C. Temperature must be controlled in light of the fact that to locate the ideal temperature I have to attempt the above definite temperatures and on the off chance that it wasn’t controlled to the specific temperature I couldn’t determine the specific ideal temperature. *pH †Must be kept consistent. I will keep the pH enhanced all through utilizing 200cm3 of pH8. 0 cradle. It must be kept consistent to guarantee reasonable outcomes. *Enzyme fixation †Must be kept consistent. I will utilize 4g of the exemplified chemical, made up to 200 cm3 of arrangement, where there will be a 2% convergence of the protein in the entirety of my tests utilizing a parity, precise to 2d. p. Chemical fixation should be kept steady in such a case that there was a higher focus in one investigation than in the other the pace of response might be expanded or diminished in contrast with what it ought to have been, consequently the outcomes will be influenced and it will be an unjustifiable test. Substrate fixation †Must be kept steady. I will utilize a similar length and width of photographic film, estimated utilizing a ruler, in the entirety of my tests. Substrate Concentration should be kept consistent supposing that there was a higher focus in one test than in the other the pace of response might be expanded or diminished in contrast with what it ought to have been , hence the outcomes will be influenced and it will be an unjustifiable test. *Incubation period †This will change contingent upon how quick the pace of response is. The period will end when the photographic film turns clear. The occasions are recorded and will frame the premise of my outcomes. *Reaction temperature †Will not be a steady time that it takes to warm the answer for the right temperature before the film is included, yet check must be made to see that it is at the right temperature before the film is included. On the off chance that it isn’t completely warmed through before the film is included, at that point the outcomes will be off base, in that they will be lower than would be normal. I will check the temperature of the arrangement utilizing a thermometer. *Volume of catalyst utilized †This will continue as before at 2cm3 all through the entire examination. I will keep it the very same utilizing a 1cm3 volumetric pipette. It should be kept consistent in such a case that there is more catalyst arrangement in certain tests and less in others the pace of response and along these lines the outcomes will be influenced, in that they may end up being lower than anticipated and get wrong. Presentation of film †All the photographic film utilized will be uncovered in full daylight before the examination. The measure of light got should be the equivalent for all the film utilized in such a case that some is presented to more splendid light than others it will be increasingly dark in shading and along these lines will require a more extended or progressively enthusiastic response to make it absolutely clear, which could make results questionable and erroneous. Strat egies 1. Set the water shower at 30 °C. . Weigh out 4g of every protein and spot in two 200cm3 volumetric jars. 3. Make up to the 200cm3 line on the jar with pH8. 0 cushion. 4. Add a cover to every cup and transform thusly to blend the substances altogether until catalysts are totally broken up. 5. Cut off 3 pieces of photographic film at 1cm long and width. 6. Include 2cm3 of Alcalase and cradle answer for one bubbling cylinder and 2cm3 of Savinase and cushion answer for the other. 7. Spot the 2 bubbling cylinders in the water shower, alongside a vacant one for the control. 8. Leave them for 5 minutes and check the temperature with a thermometer to ensure the arrangements are at the correct temperature before including the photographic film. 9. At the point when the arrangements are at the correct temperature include a segment of photographic film to each bubbling cylinder, ensuring the strips have arrangement overall of them by utilizing diverse mixing bars for the different bubbling cylinders, to nudge the strips down. 0. Start the stop clock and time to what extent it takes before the piece of photographic film has turned clear. 11. Record the time it took on the stop clock for the gelatin to be

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cause and Effect of Human Trafficking free essay sample

People are exceptionally productive as constrained worker (Polaris Japan, 2012). Constrained work is an all work administration which is depleted from any individual under pitilessness, where the individual is reluctant to perform intentionally (C29 Forced Labor Convention, 1930). Significant types of constrained worker are business sexual misuses and constrained practical abuses. Business sexual misuses incorporate prostitution and erotic entertainment, while efficient abuses spread difficult work. These exchanges produce an expected 31. 6 billion dollars with industrialized economies contributing 49% of the great aggregate (Besler Patrick, 2005). Levels of popularity assume a vital job. At the point when individuals are happy to purchase sex, they make a business opportunity for dealers to explicitly abuse; when customers purchases administrations from constrained work enterprises, work dealers increase a benefit motivation. Human dealing is an okay exchange. Individuals are oblivious to dealing, establishments are not prepared to react, laws are inadequate to address the wrongdoing, casualties have no wellbeing nets and when the law doesn't indict the wrongdoing, dealers see little dangers to influence their tasks. We will compose a custom paper test on Circumstances and logical results of Human Trafficking or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Nation allowing prostitution like Germany, regularly had human dealing with the end goal of sexual misuses covered even to the eyes of the law authority for prostitution is considered typical and endured. Each 800 individuals dealt, just a single individual was indicted in 2006 (US State Department, 2007), different dealers were condemned to almost no prison time, defacing the intensity of the law that neglected to arraign them, for instance in Uzbekistan (United States Mission, 2005) The mentality of society assumes a significant job. There are individuals living in neediness. The wants for individuals to leave neediness for customer items and higher expectations for everyday comforts has constrained numerous family unit to devise endurance techniques that have included moving for work and makes them powerless against the conmen of dealing that rents out that people work to take care of an obligation or advance, otherwise called obligation subjugation (William Finnegan, 2008). There is an exceptional malevolence in the maltreatment and misuse of the most blameless and defenseless (George W. Shrub n. d. ). The seeds of shrewdness planted have developed in the tree that influences every one of us. Us or the people in question, yet every human the same. Human dealing has not just offered ascend to the expansion in worldwide wellbeing hazard, it powers global wrongdoings and it damages human rights. Survivors of human dealing have experienced hellfire. Persevering tension, weakness, dread and physical torment and injury brought about by the maltreatment of the dealer in types of assault, torment or risk (Paloma Pineda, 2011) will effectsly affect the psychological well-being and prosperity of dealt casualties (Lunde Ortmann, 1992). Manifestations of mental injury announced by dealt people incorporate post-horrible pressure issue, tension, sorrow, distance and confusion. Studies demonstrate that injury compounds all through the span of the dealing procedure This plainly shows the impacts of dealing on worldwide wellbeing dangers. Human dealing fills worldwide wrongdoing. Each time there is dealing you have mass debasement, there is report extortion and there are undermined cops, authorities and custom specialists looking the other way (Austein Michelle, 2007). The dealers frequently team up with degenerate authorities so as to encourage the transportation procedure (Labor Rights Promotion Network, 2007). In Nigeria for instance, with various checkpoints all through the outskirt areas, it would be a significant test if not difficult to move dealt laborers to the working environment effectively without assistance from degenerate authorities. The types of coordinated effort can be offering incentives, yet at times authorities have been known to band together with or lead these tasks (West Africa Review, n. d. ). Human dealing disregards human rights. Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) proclaims that everyone reserve the privilege to be liberated from torment, liberated from servitude, allowed to live. Human dealing damages the option to be liberated from torment. 95% of casualties encounters physical or sexual viciousness during dealing (The London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine, 2006). It disregards the option to live as it controls casualties constraining them to live a live as slaves Human dealing is the opium of society. It prompts debasement of society as it raises worldwide wrongdoing and wellbeing dangers. People in general ought to be instructed to watch the indications of dealing. The law ought to be change so that dealing can never again be disguised. At long last, the individuals should work intimately with the administration to decrease the interest through new methodologies toward all types of abuses through dealing. References: (Austein Michelle, 2007. Human Trafficking: A Human Rights Violation and Security Risks,Washington: Washington Files) (Besler Patrick, 2005. Constrained Labor and Human Trafficking: Estimating the Profits, Geneva:International Labor Office.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Information Communication Dietetic - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 27 Words: 8082 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Career Essay Type Essay any type Did you like this example? Abstract This report contains information about the academic discourse, history, resources used, and communication skills, which make up an important arena for a professional in the dietetic profession. A brief explanation of the AMA style manual used in the dietetic profession is also outlined and compared to the APA style manual. There is a shared understanding of language and terminology that must exist in the dietetic profession, along with knowledge of the ever-changing nutrition world that a professional works in. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Information Communication Dietetic" essay for you Create order It is important to know the history of the profession that a person works in to fully appreciate how it evolved to what it is today and who the people are that deserve credit for their hard work and determination. Many resources are involved in gaining knowledge and producing materials that will teach others as well. From journals to magazines, there are many sources that provide up to date, valuable information that can enhance the professional career of a dietetic professional. Communication skills are the most important characteristic of a dietetic professional. The many ways a dietetic communicates is reviewed in this report. There are many areas to explore in the dietetic profession and that is what is being presented here. Dietetic Profession DISCOURSE A certain language and style of communication that is common among groups of people can be described as discourse. Ideas and rules are shared within a profession community to effectively communicate and comprehend the in tended message. A functional structure is learned and becomes common language for those who are involved a certain profession. The discourse of dietetics involves many areas of study of which one must become familiar with in order to communicate effectively with other professionals in the field. A certain vocabulary and terminology must be researched, studied, understood, and communicated between members of this educated community. It is necessary to engage in the values, vocabulary, forms, and manners of the language to be able to effective communicate with those involved in Dietetic profession (1). Learning the discourse of Dietetics begins with the desire to become a professional in the field. One has to be open to learning the required material and master it. There is no end to the learning; it is a constant demand to keep oneself up to speed with what is going on in the current time. There are always more sources, advancements, and newer interests being sparked amongst pr ofessionals who desire to make a difference. A person who desires to work in the Dietetic field may have an interest in working with the community in a public health setting, in a clinic or hospital, long-term care, or possibly in food service management. The required curriculum is relative for all of the mentioned and provides a base for a good understanding of nutrition, interpersonal communication, and the health of those that seek Dietetic services. While the classroom sets the stage for what a student seeking a Dietetic degree needs, there is so much that is also learned while performing on-the job training and internship requirements. An important aspect of Dietetic coursework is having an understanding of multiple sciences. It is a challenging biological field and demands attention in the areas of nutritional and food sciences (2). Chemistry is important to study and understand how the human body breakdowns and uses energy. The food that goes into a persons body has che mical properties that are used as energy. It is necessary to complete human anatomy and physiology courses with a firm understanding of the bodys systems and how they work. Without a clear understanding of how the body works, there would be great mystery as to how the body receives, uses, and disposes of nutrients that are consumed. Communication skills are as important as any other skill when working with other professionals in dietetics, clients, and customers. It is necessary that dietetic workers have open communication with other professionals in different fields to ensure that proper treatment and education will be delivered to the client. A common language and terminology is necessary between members of the medical and nutritional field. It is necessary to have access to Merck manuals and medical terminology manuals as a desk reference. There is a difference in presentation when considering whom the audience will be. If a Dietetic professional is presenting to others in the field, it would be appropriate to use tables and graphs that display research finding on the new diabetes medication and its effects on certain ethnic groups. In this case, medical terms and treatment plans can be discussed using words and descriptions that might not be easily recognized by a client or someone unfamiliar with medical terms. It is very important to consider any communication barriers that may be present when counseling and discussing treatment plans with clients. Therefore, it is necessary to be flexible, have, and recognize the different levels of understanding of all different kinds of people. Mathematics is actively part of the day-to-day routine of dietetic personnel. Whether it is tallying up a clients caloric intake for the day or calculating how many kilocalories a certain patient might need in accordance to their body mass index, basic math and algebra come into play each day. If a dietetic professional takes the position of food service manager, that professional has the responsibility of budget preparation, employee hours, wages, training hours, and many other areas that require the use and implementation of mathematics. Most facilities use designated computer applications and programs to keep everyone involved organized and up to date with the care plan and treatment of patients. Altru Health Systems uses Carex and Affinity computer programs to aid in assessment, charting, implementing diet orders, tracking dietary intake, room service and meal management, and for the convenience of shared information between all disciplines that have access to the programs. This is a very useful and accurate way for everyone involved to stay on the same page and therefore be able to deliver better service to the patient. Problem solving skills are tested everyday as new health conditions and medical treatments are constantly changing. Each person who walks through the door requiring dietetic services is unique and needs assessment and screening to determine the best method for treatment and care. What works for one person, may not work for the other. Each care plan is tailored to the individual for any specific needs that may be present. There may be a point when a physician refers someone to nutrition health services for treatment and while assessing the patient, something does not quite match up or a new diagnosis may be necessary. In cases like these, all health professionals need to be up to date with testing and treatment procedures. Keeping up-to-date with the advancements and knowledge of the field through joining the American Dietetic Association can offer a variety of resources and opportunities to stay involved with the profession (3). There are quarterly meetings and continuing professional education (CPE) credits that professionals can take to keep up with the latest research. Health Magazines and newspapers are also great ways to keep up with what is going on in the profession. Someone who is work ing in a food service management position may not know what kinds of new medications are being used in combination with nutrition therapies and vice a versa. Experimentation is happening all of the time, especially if working as a clinical dietician. Finding the right diet fit for each individual takes trial, error and patience. With the obesity epidemic, Celiac disease, and other dietary related health highlights, it is necessary for the dietetic professional to be open to new ideas and trials of treatment. Research on how the body uses certain macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals can help professionals understand why certain things affect different people, while others may not be affected at all. Sanitation and food safety is key in providing healthful food to all people, especially those who already in a compromised state. September is National Food Safety Education Month, which was created to heighten the awareness of the importance of food safety (4). Proper hand washin g, sanitation of workspaces, avoiding cross-contamination, proper cooling methods, and ensuring food is cooked and held for service at the appropriate temperatures must be implemented. A Serve Safe certification is necessary to obtain prior to completion of the outlined curriculum for the dietetic program. This certification is good for five years and needs to be renewed before expiration; otherwise, the course must be repeated to obtain a new certification. The Food Guide Pyramid was developed by the US Department of Agriculture to be used as a visual tool to help people make healthy food choices (5). This is a helpful guide for Dietetic professionals to use when counseling patients and designing meal plans. There is also a specific Food Guide Pyramid for patients with diabetes. The exchange system, in regards to carbohydrates, needs to be considered when preparing a healthy meal plan for this community of people. There are many sources, which can be accessed to aid members o f this community in learning and developing a professional and working knowledge of the required technical language and methods used for effective communication. Reading academic journals, attending ADA meetings, joining committees, networking within, attending conferences and workshops, and reading health and nutritional magazines can all be great sources to discover the language used and the format in which the message is delivered. Dietetic Practice Groups (DPG) provides opportunities to increase knowledge through newsletters, publications and continuing professional education credits (6). People who have a shared interest in a more specific area of the profession set up these groups. The goals and interests of the ADA are upheld as new issues are explored and focused on. These groups can help members network and be part of a smaller group within a larger group, of which they become the expert on a specific topic or issue. The AMA style manual is used in the Dietetic profes sion and provides the appropriate format for citation and professional writing. The manual provides a guide for abbreviating and referencing materials that are commonly used in the writings of professional works. The ADA website,, is a great place to find important communication information, ranging from sample letters to forms, to application assistance. The discourse of Dietetics is complex and takes time and interest to become the expert in. HISTORY The history of food and nutrition dates back as far as the beginning of recorded history. In the era of hunters and gathers, people knew that they had to eat in order to survive. The teachings and techniques that were used to obtain food at that time came from trial and error. It was up to the people to figure out which foods were suitable and which could possibly cause illness or even death. The importance of food, specific dietary patterns and disease prevention were observed in the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, dating back to 2500 BCE (7). Looking beyond the medieval era, western science and medicine developed ways of thinking about food and health between 600 BCE and 300 CE (7). Societies throughout each era have looked at diet and nutrition as a means of healthy living and survival. Through the Renaissance and up to the eighteenth century, reports have noted that diet and nutrition were an integral part of having a fulfilled life (7). Many documents from ancient and historical times have evidence that inventions for food processing were becoming common knowledge and new foods were being discovered. In this time, food was mostly produced and consumed entirely within the local area. A familys nourishment was provided by the food that was grown and prepared within the family and exchanged with nearby neighbors. Cooking and preservation techniques at this time were not necessarily safe but were evolving towards more advanced processes. During the Industrial Revolution, the introductio n of railroads and wagon roads made the transfer of goods possible at greater distances. This shift began to affect the foods that people had access to and what they ate (8). The science of nutrition began to emerge in the early to mid nineteenth century. During this time, both Europe and the United States were influenced by their governments to increase the yield of food from plant crops and animal herds (7). Food production held a very important role in nourishing the soldiers who were fighting in the war. Safe food was soon found to be the key for survival of troops, especially those who had been wounded and needed proper nourishment to fight illness and infection. Dietetics as a profession can be linked back to the evolution of home economics (9). The early evolution of food and nutrition science was explored to feed soldiers in battle and to also to provide necessary nutrition to those who were preparing to become young soldiers. Nutrition and appropriate food choices were d emonstrated to young families to ensure healthy individuals. World War I brought food shortages. Those who were knowledgeable in dietetics encouraged others to plant gardens and learn how to develop recipes for home and hospital use. Both world wars experienced the creation of dietetics as a profession (9). Many important people deserve credit in the history of Dietetics. Far more than five people contributed to its development. Dietetics is largely applied by the use of chemistry. It is necessary to recognize Antoine Lavoisier, who is known as the Father of Chemistry. Lavoisier was born into an upper class, Paris family in 1743. He was able to obtain a law degree at the College Mazarin, though he never practiced law. He had more interest in mathematics and science and gained membership into the Academy of Sciences at 25 years old. (10). Lavoisier had many contributions, which include the assistance in establishing the metric system, to naming 33 elements of periodic table. He di ed at 51 from literally losing his head. He was found guilty of conspiracy against the people of France. Wilbur Olin Atwater, an American chemist, was born May 3, 1844 in Johnsburg, New York. Atwater is known for his studies in human nutrition and metabolism. He pursued an undergraduate degree at Wesleyan University in Connecticut and later went on to obtain his PhD from Yale Universitys Sheffield Scientific School in agricultural chemistry (11). Atwater invented a device called the respiration calorimeter that measured human metabolism balance by analyzing the heat produced and metabolic rate by a person performing certain activities. This new invention aided many new studies in dietary evolution and food analysis (7, 8, 11). Energy and protein sources were studied and measured to determine that certain foods provide different amounts of nutrients and energy than others. The fat, protein, and carbohydrates of all different kinds of foods were observed and soon there was an aw areness of the food calorie. Atwater continued to lead research teams on the discovery of nutrient requirements, food composition and consumption, and consumer economics (12). Throughout his discoveries, Atwater determined that Americans eat more unhealthful foods than desired and do not exercise enough. Florence Nightingale, born 1820 in Tuscany into an upper class family, needs to be mentioned as a contributor to Dietetics as she was the one who acknowledged the need for safe and nutritious food for soldiers during the Crimean War (13). She was actually a pioneer nurse in her time and was determined to improve the living conditions at the camp hospitals and made an effort to clean and organize facilities where patients were cared for. Her contributions helped spread awareness of the necessity for clean, safe, and nutritious foods. There is a long history of health and nutrition and the involvement and contribution of many people and their discoveries has made great progress. Most of the progress has been made in the last 100 years, as new technologies have been a great asset to nutritional health and implementation. Scientific advances, social and economic factors, and military conflicts are contributors to the advancement of the dietetic profession as well. The most important contribution would have to be the determination and dedication by early dietitians who knew that there was a difference to be made and that they were the ones who would be able to make that difference. The understanding and importance of good eating habits was not common, not known, or perhaps just not understood by most of society. Scientific experiments were documented and scholarly journals written about nutrients, but they were almost impossible to understand by anyone who was not in the dietetic profession. Alice Blood was the one who would be able to put all of the difficult works into something that could be understood by large public audience. She translated science-ba sed nutrition information into easy-to-read pamphlets in an effort to educate people on good nutrition. Alice Blood obtained a bachelors degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a PhD in biochemistry from Yale. She also held the title of director at the School of Household Economics at Simmons College in Massachusetts (14). Many changes came about in 1917 for the dietetics profession and many women contributed to these changes. A new organization, the American Dietetic Association [ADA], was born in the fall of 1917 when more than 100 women organized a meeting in Cleveland to discuss multiple issues within dietetics. Lulu Graves, a dietician in Cleveland, held a strong position that dietitians play an important role of the medical team and that when nutrition services are offered to patients, money is saved (14). This is a time when dietitians had the primary role of feeding the wounded and sick in hospitals. The doctors were the ones who could prescribe specia l diets for treatments and dietitians were like the physicians assistants. At this point, doctors were primarily male and all dietitians were female. Graves stressed the importance of scientific training for dietitians and knew that the future of dietetics would be assured. Lulu Graves was elected the first president of the ADA (15). At the first meeting, many issues were discussed especially concerning food conservation and global food needs. This was an important time for the Association to come together, as World War I was still in full. The annual meeting to follow had greater attendance and included more states involvement. By the sixth annual meeting, which was held in Indianapolis in 1923, insulin was presented as the new treatment for diabetes (15). Insulin was discovered and isolated at the University of Toronto in 1921-1922 by Dr. Frederick Banting (16). Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas and is necessary to keep glucose levels in the blood at a sa fe and functional level. This was a major event in dietetic history, as the diagnosis and treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes continues to be largely addressed. Food technology was on the rise going into the 1930s. Refrigerators, toasters, canned goods, frozen vegetables, sliced bread and many other developments were introduced. These new preparation and storage methods provided more convenience for keeping food on hand. Obesity became a health concern, which was the topic of discussion towards the end of the 30s. Soon to follow would be the opening of the first McDonalds and Dairy Queen in the early 1940s (15). If what was known then about the negative health affects Americans would experience from frequenting fast food chains, one has to wonder if there would be any earlier changes in the way food is processed and produced for these places. Martha Lewis Nelson was a pioneer in exploring total education of dietitians (14). The original dietetic program was a four-year course at a University with a major in food and nutrition with a six-month dietetic internship. In 1942, Lewis was the director of Medical Dietetics at Ohio State University and she redesigned the internship program, making it possible to earn a Master of Science degree along with the internship (14). Many institutions today use this curriculum to develop education programs for dietetics. In 1966, nutrition and diet therapy services were included in comprehensive medical care programs. Clare Forbes, a Massachusetts delegate to the ADAs House of Delegates, was the force behind this movement (14). Forbes is credited for developing future state legislative programs and guiding the development of the ADAs mission statement (14). Twenty-six years ago, in 1982, the ADAs capacity to reach the public on food nutrition, and health concerns was forever changed. A new resource center, National Canter for Nutrition and Dietetics, was funded through a capital fund program (15). National Nu trition Month is one of the outreach programs that are very active today. The purpose of National Nutrition Month is to help make people aware of necessity of a healthy lifestyle and diet. Many more factors go into health other than just what a person eats. Diet and exercise go hand in hand. If it were not for the good old girls Blood, Graves, Lewis Nelson, and Forbes, the American Dietetic Association may not exist today. It is up to those in the profession to get the message out to the public about good health and nutrition so that money and lives can be saved in the end. Over the past 20 years, many new diet fads have been introduced. Some of these diets have proven to be effective and safe while others are affective and unsafe. Most often the results are temporary, as the people get bored with the same food or routine and then end up failing. Reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists on foods has become more popular in the past couple of years as people now have a bett er idea of what they are looking for. There are multiple commercials, newspaper articles, and health magazines that give health alerts to new findings in the food that people eat. With all of the sources in which nutrition facts and health information can be found, Americans are far more educated now than they ever have been before. The image is to get into shape and live healthier lifestyles. The advancements in medical technology have expanded the role of the dietetic professional on so many levels. Special diets, mechanically altered foods, and diagnosis of new disease conditions have forced nutritional professionals to test and experiment with new ways of feeding patients and ensuring that they are receiving appropriate nutrition. RESOURCES From academic journals to informational web sites, dietetic professionals look to many sources each day for updated health information and new discoveries. As a dietetic technician, registered dietician, nutritionist, or educator of dietetics, it is necessary to have many resources readily available. Educating and keeping up to date with the latest and greatest is the responsibility of each individual to ensure that they are providing the best possible care to patients. Since there are different focus areas in the dietetic profession, it is necessary to identify the best possible resources in which to keep each self informed and to continue learning day to day. The first major reference that is read and referred to regularly is the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. This journal covers practice applications, research that has been conducted, a calendar of events, new products and services, and a list of periodicals abstracted. Any area of study in the dietetic profession will be able to find useful information is in the journal. There is also a listing of job opportunities and advertisement for education at the back of the journal. Contact information is provided for non-dietetic professional to c ontact those who are in the profession (17). Elsevier Inc. in New York, NY publishes the Journal of the American Dietetic Association monthly. The copyright belongs to the American Dietetic Association with all rights reserved (17). Journals can be ordered from the publisher, found in public and school libraries and accessed online. There are certain journals that will most often be on the desks or bookshelves of those in the dietetic profession. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is a publication of the American Society for Nutrition (18). The major focus of this journal is to provide information from clinical studies that have been conducted on basic human nutrition. This is a wonderful source to keep professionals up to date with the newest results from experiments and findings that have been performed by researchers and scientists. Using this journal as a reference is important, as all research is relevant to those in the profession. This journal is published monthly with two volumes per year in Bethesda, MD (18). Print and online subscriptions are available to both members and non-members of the dietetic profession. This journal can also be found in libraries. The Journal of Nutrition provides professionals with information on experiment nutrition, controversial issues in nutrition and critical reviews of nutrition scientists. This journal began circulation in 1928 as the official publication of the American Society for Nutrition. The journal publishes manuscripts that advance the understanding of nutritional mechanisms in the human population (19). This journal is also published monthly in Bethesda, MD. Anyone who has a membership in the American Society for Nutrition has access to the online version of the Journal of Nutrition. The journal can be found in the library and subscribed to through the publisher. Another journal, Nutrition, is designed as both an open access online journal and as a hardcopy version published by Elsevier. The interest of the journal is to publish results from clinical trials performed by physicians and scientists of all fields that aim to find better ways of determining treatment and diagnosis. Research articles, case studies, and peer reviews are all included in this journal. BioMed Central is the independent publisher of Nutrition journal online. Once articles are accepted and published by BioMed Central, they are also accessible at PubMed Central and MEDLINE (20). Access to BioMed Central can be achieved by using the URL: Nutrition Research journal is An International Publication to Advance Food and Life Science Research (21). The journal is another one of many publications that is from Elsevier. Dietetic professionals refer to this journal for the latest articles and reviews of basic and applied nutrition, global communication of nutrition, and research on food and health. The purpose of the journal is to provide an advanced understanding of nutrient s and how dietary components improve health conditions in humans. The publication of Nutrition Research began in 1981 (21). There is a Nutrition Package that can be purchased which includes the fore mentioned Nutrition Journal and the Nutrition Research journal, which is available through Elsevier. The American Journal of Health Behavior is the official publication of the American Academy of Health Behavior. PNG Publications in Star City, WV publish this journal bimonthly. Members of the American Academy of Health Behavior receive the journal as part of their membership. Online access to the journal is included in the membership (22). The journal provides valuable information on maintenance, restoration, and improving health using multiple methods. Information on how behavior causes health affects and how health care programs can and have been implemented can be found in this journal as well. This journal is a valuable tool for dietetic professionals, as the studies included give information that can be used when educating patients and designing diet plans and healthy lifestyle outlines. A professional in dietetics who wishes to become an educator would find it a good idea to become part of the Society for Nutrition Education [SNE]. With a membership to SNE, professionals have access to the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Elsevier in New York, NY publishes the journal bimonthly (23). Journal articles and abstracts are accessible online at MEDLINE and Information that is found in the journal and online is beneficial for all levels of education. From school-aged children learning about the food groups to parents learning about appropriate feeding patterns, this resource will help educators with all levels of cliental. Four major magazines most often appear on the desks or end tables in the offices of dietitians and other nutrition professionals. Todays Dietitian is the most popular magazine subscription, which includes a wide range of health topics such as diabetes management, food allergies, research updates, and long-term care information. Great Valley Publishing Co., Inc. in Spring City, PA publishes this magazine (24). This magazine is very informational and easy to navigate to find exactly what a person is looking for. Todays Diet Nutrition offers expert information on issues such as eating right, exercising and getting results. Like the Todays Dietitian magazine, Great Valley Publishing Co. Inc. publishes Todays Diet Nutrition in Spring City, PA (25). Food, fitness, knowledge, and balance are all important aspects in living a healthy life and this magazine has valuable information to help the health-conscious person achieve what they are looking for and working toward. This magazine is published bimonthly. Most libraries carry this subscription and it can be purchased at Barnes Noble and many other retail outlets. A magazine that offers the newest information on fad diets and newly discove red functions of nutrients is Nutrition Today, published by Lippincott Williams Wilkins in Philadelphia, PA (26). The magazine covers topics of nutrition science, obesity and behavior, nutritional guidelines, and the business of nutrition and roles of the nutritional professional. Information found in this magazine is from credible sources, which includes scientists and nutritionists who back their reports and findings with evidence. This is a very good source to reference when seeking information about the latest diets and up-to-date controversial issues in dietetics. Continuing education and keeping oneself up to date is extremely important in the dietetic profession. Registered dietitians and technicians can complete Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits in a number of ways. One great resource for this is the Topics in Clinical Nutrition magazine, published in Philadelphia, PA by Lippincott Williams Wilkins (27). New and updated issues are addressed and current res earch results are provided to keep professionals up to speed with the ever-changing world of nutrition. Members of the American Dietetic Association can become part of Dietetic Practice Groups (DPG), which focus on certain areas of nutrition and health. Newsletters are printed monthly or quarterly, depending which group the member is involved in. These newsletters are available online as well as hard copy. Copyright belongs to the American Dietetic Association and is published by Elsevier Inc (28). The Nutrition Research Newsletter is a monthly newsletter published by Technical Insights/Frost Sullivan in San Antonio, TX (29). The latest development of in nutrition research can be found on many different topics of interest. This newsletter is beneficial to subscribe to for any professional in the dietetic field, as it covers many issues and serves as a credible source. The Merck Manual of Medical Information—Home Edition is widely used by health professionals in every f ield of study. Dietitians refer to this book as an everyday reference for information on diagnosis, disease, prevention and treatment processes. This book is in its eighteenth edition and can be found on most bookshelves in the dietetic professionals offices. Merck Co., Inc. in West Point, PA publishes this book (30). In order for professionals to write in their discourse, they must know the exact format they are to follow. The AMA Manual of Style, 10th Edition is a guide to those who write academic papers and edit works of others. Oxford University Press, Inc. in New York, NY is the publisher of this book (31). This is one of the many valuable resources that a dietetic profession can have in their library. The contents of this book include appropriate punctuation, abbreviations, measurements, and method for citation of sources. The Food Guide Pyramid is a popular tool that has been used in many settings from early age all the way on up to senior status. Dietitians refer to t he Food Guide Pyramid when consulting with patients about their nutritional needs. The most recent version of the pyramid is the new MyPyramid. This version reflects the prior version but focuses on different servings of each of the important nutrient groups. The USDA/CNPP in Washington, DC (32). The USDA also publishes and prints the flyers and wall posters that are seen in classrooms, clinics, and other public places. The new MyPyramid is colorful and easy to understand, as it is more of a picture of health rather than literature. A pocket reference book for dietitians is a convenient was to look up information in one location, rather than having to search through multiple sources. A good quality pocket reference will include information about physical assessment, lab test results, height and weight requirements in contrast to calorie needs, and highlight interactions that may be a red flag while assessing a patient. The ADA Pocket Guide to Nutrition Assessment is a wonderful s ource used by many in the dietetic profession. This spiral bound guide fits in the pocket and convenient in providing quick and accurate information to assist in assessing patients. The American Dietetic Association publishes this pocket guide (33). Almost each reference that is listed in the information above can be found through the American Dietetic Association official web site: (34). This site provides nutrition information and health news for those who are members of the ADA and to the public. Some of the applications on the site are available only to members. Journals and publications can be accessed for reference and review. Newsletters are posted online and accessible at no extra cost to members. Information from the ADA Nutrition Care Manual can be easily accessed by selecting the exact condition to be researched, rather than having to page through a book. A member can search job opportunities and request advice from other members of the professional co mmunity. The American Dietetic Association has the copyright for this publication, regulates the content, and holds all rights. An especially valuable link on this site is for students who are doing research projects and working on networking within the dietetic community. Many of the journals articles and abstracts that are found within its original publication can also be accessed through search engines on the internet. It is important that these sources are investigated and proven credible and reliable. The information that is provided on the internet is convenient and time saving. It is beneficial to be able to visit the ADA website and print documents that can be shared with patients and used for references. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Members of the dietetic profession must possess both written and oral communication skills as part of everyday professional life. Computer skills are also necessary for most positions that are held by a dietetic professional. Whether a dietitia n works in a nutrition office with other dietitians, at a public health office, or consults over the phone, the dietitian must have a high level of effective communication skills. Reading and understanding journals, newsletters, and reports is necessary to keep up to date on nutritional advances and other important issues that are going on in the dietetic community (34). This information may also be delivered through presentations, symposiums, and webinars. It is important that the professional is able to effectively comprehend and respond to these types of informational teaching and communication to ensure that the intended message is received. Oral communication between members of a nutritional team has to include common terminology and meaning that everyone can understand and interpret so that the appropriate action is taken in result of the communication. Careful listening is probably the most important skill in effective communication as a dietetic professional. Informati on and learning that is conducted by professionals to enhance the knowledge of others is passed on through listening and comprehension of the learner. Everyone person in the dietetic field is constantly learning from other professionals and works that have been reported in support of nutritional knowledge. A dietetic technician who works in Nutrition Services at a hospital would experience many different forms of communication throughout the workday. When the technician arrives to work she would first receive admit and discharge reports for the current day. Information on these reports includes the diagnosis and diet order for each new admitted patient. The technician must understand these reports in order to plan her day and outline therapies that will be conducted. If there are any discrepancies or questions regarding the diagnosis or treatment plans that may interfere with the patients nutritional status, it is up to the technician to contact the appropriate personnel in which are working with that patient. These communications can be carried out by using the telephone or locating the respective person and engaging in face-to-face communication. Once the technician has organized a plan for the day that includes nutritional assessment, staff meetings, patient education, and charting, he/she is ready to engage in conversation with multiple sources and people. When assessing each patients nutritional risk and dietary needs, the technician must obtain diet and medical history, along with anthropometric information (33). This information can be found in the patients paper chart, on-line in the hospital charting system, and through visiting with the patient. The technician will also use the paper chart and online charting to report his/her own information and assessing. Staff meetings are conducted with other disciplines that work with the patient as well. Some people that may be present at these meetings include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, N ursing, and Pastoral Care. It is important that a shared language and understanding is present between these members to ensure that the best possible care is delivered to the patient. Meetings are a place to learn of the status of the patient through anothers standpoint and to learn of any changes that might be occurring with that patient. Patient education is another daily activity that occurs between a dietetic technician and patients. Once the assessing and staff meetings have been observed, the technician has a good idea of which patients may require some dietary education material and possibly even a diet plan. In some cases, a physician may give an order for the dietitian or technician to administer nutritional education. Certain medications and diet orders call for patient education to be conducted. If the patient were on Coumadin, which is a blood thinner, the patient would need to be informed and given information on foods that are high in potassium, which can interfere with how the medication works (33). If the patient has a heart condition and is on a sodium restricted diet, they would likely benefit from information on which foods are lower in sodium and salt substitutes. Patient education information of all kinds can be found at the ADA website and online Nutritional Care Manual. Each patient must be determined to be at a low, moderate, or high nutritional risk and charted accordingly. The online charting system that Altru Health Systems uses is Affinity. Any patient who is determined to be a moderate or high-risk case is fully assessed and charted with a nutritional focus and plan to ensure that they obtain and maintain optimal nutritional health while under the care of the hospital team. Any patient education that is given is also charted for each patient. The online charting system is very effective for communication across the many different channels of professions involved in the care of each patient. Besides the communication that o ccurs on a daily basis with patient information and care, there are many other types of communication. Emails, memos for upcoming events, new product information, periodicals, and journals all come across the desk of a dietetic technicians and dietitians. Desktop trays or inboxes that are used for correspondence and hardcopy circulation are ideal for important information that needs to be shared with multiple persons. The use of computer email to communicate and online sources are major sources of information that is used daily by dietetic professionals. Most information that needs to be obtained can be found on the ADA website. There are multiple links to nutritional journals, news alerts, food and nutrition information, and continued education and training that is available (34). A dietetic technician will spend a large amount of his/her time on the computer in any given workday. It is likely to see a copy of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association on most desks of dietetic professionals. This journal provides an array of nutritional information and research studies that have been conducted (17). The journal is visited frequently when inquiring about new findings and advancements in nutritional care. Dietetic Practice Group newsletters are published weekly, monthly, and quarterly depending on the focus of the group. Group members and other professionals can submit information published in these newsletters on the respective topic. The information included must follow the AMA format for submitting such material (31). There are three district meetings and one state function that are scheduled each year for each states Dietetic Association. Minnesota members can attend the any or all of the three daylong meetings in September, November, and March (35). Each meeting has a different theme and three to four supporting presentations from various members of the association. Credit hours are awarded for each meeting and are used towards mandatory co ntinuing education credits to maintain registration. The state function is two-day event that includes symposiums and presentations from the president of the association and other key members. There are many vendors that participate in the function and have displays set up for new products and health information (35). The topics presented at the state function introduce new therapies and projections that the Association and its members can expect to hear and learn more about in the coming year of practice. Attending these functions is a great way to network with others in the profession and learn about the positions that others hold and dietary practices used in each others work place. Professional communication in dietetics is necessary when corresponding with others in the field and those in other medical practices. It is also very important to be aware of the communication skills and abilities of patients and others that a dietetic professional may encounter. Relaying treatmen t information to patients can be challenging and may require the use of simplified explanations and in some cases translation. Comprehension is necessary for all included in the communication in order for the message to be effective and successful. STYLE MANUAL The dietetics profession uses the American Medical Association Manual of Style, which is now in its 10th edition. This manual is a guide to professional writing and publication of many kinds of reports for the medical, health, and biological sciences. It provides information on the use of abbreviations and appropriate terminology that is common and acceptable. Referencing material is outlined in procedures for citing in-text and in the reference page, which follows the report. In AMA format, the references are listed in order of when they appear in the text (31). Referencing is single-spaced and follows the same indent as the prior sentence. Up to six authors can be listed for each reference and are listed with last name first with first and second initials to follow. There are no periods between or after initials. The title of the article should use a capital letter for only the first word of the title, unless there is a proper noun included in the title. Journals, periodicals, and other sources should be italicized in the reference. Publication date and place are necessary to include for books references that are used in written works. If using internet or web sources, the name of the article or topic and the site providing information needs to be included in the reference (36). Date in which the material was accessed also must be included. In contrast to the AMA manual of style, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association [APA] has much of the same guidelines for crediting sources. The APA style is used in psychology, education, and other social science works (37). The main difference that is observed between AMA and APA is the way in which references are listed on th e reference page and in-text. The references are listed in alphabetical order on the reference page when using APA format. Author and date are placed in parenthesis directly after the reference was used. If there is no author, then the article or title is used with a date in parenthesis. References are indented five to seven spaces on the following lines of a citation and periods are used after the initials of the author (38). These differences are minor but necessary to observe and ensure are included. The AMA and APA style manuals provide publication information on guidelines for spacing, margins, title and abstract pages and content. It is a good idea to have these manuals available when writing reports or conducting research on professional topics. If the format is not outlined and followed, the presentation of hard work and research could be disregarded. Professionals in dietetics must refer to the AMA style manual for all professional writing in the health science field, un less otherwise instructed. The AMA style manual is very useful and has been a valuable tool in construction of this report. References Copley C. Academic discourse. Available ESC/WritersComplex.nsf/wholeshortlinks/Academic+Discourse#Academic%20Discourse. Accessed February 2, 2008. Dietetics. University of Wisconsin Web site majors/Dietetics.php. Accessed February 8, 2008. Lipscomb R. Preparing for reentry: Handling career interruptions. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;107:S19-S20. National Food Safety Education Month. Food and Drug Administration Web site. Accessed February 12, 2008. Food Guide Pyramid. Life Clinic Web site. /nutrition/food-pyramid.asp?printpage=true. Accessed February 12, 2008. Porter L. History of dietetic practice groups. J Am Diet Assoc. 2003;102:1049. Cannon G. The rise and fall of dietetics and of nutrition science, 4000 BCE-2000 CE. Public Health Nutrition. 2005;8(6A):701-705. Roth D. Americas fascination with nutrition. Available at: https://www.ers. Accessed February 25, 2008. History of Home Economics at Ryerson. Ryerson University Web site Available at: Accessed February 4, 2008. Antoine Lavoisier. Available at: Gas_Chemistry/Lavoisier.html. Accessed February 25, 2008. Wilbur Olin Atwater. Wikipedia online. Available at: https://en.wikipedia. Org/wiki/Wilbur_Olin_Atwater. Accessed February 25, 2008. Welsh S. Atwater to the Present: Evolution of Nutrition Education. Journal of Nutrition [serial online]. September 1994;124:1799S-1807S. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipwich, MA. Accessed February 25, 2008. Florence Nightingale. Wikipedia online. Available at: Wiki/Florence_Nightingale. Accessed February 24, 2008. Fitz P. Presidents page about 80 years ago. J Am Diet Assoc. 2003;98(3):264. Petrillo T. Live the ADA legacy-annually. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002;102(8):1046 -1050. 16. The Discovery of Insulin-The history of diabetes treatment. Web site. Accessed February 22, 2008. 17. Van Horn L. The premier source for the practice and science of food, nutrition, and dietetics. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:2. 18. Bier D. A publication of the American Society of Nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008;87:2. 19. Ross AC. Recent advances in nutritional science. J Nutr. 2008;138:243. 20. Nutrition Journal Web site. 2008. Accessed March 10, 2008. 21. Watkins BA. Nutrition Research. Elsevier Web site. 2008. Accessed March 10, 2008. 22. Marks LN. An organization for health education, health promotion, and health behavior researchers. Am J Health Behav. 2007;31:561. 23. White AA. JNEB 40th Anniversary celebration. J Nutr Educ Behav. 200 8;40: 1-2. 24. Todays Dietitian Web site. 2007. shtml. Accessed March 8, 2008. 25. Todays Diet Nutrition Web site. 2007. /advertising.shtml. Accessed March 10, 2008. 26. Burrowes JD. Preventing heart disease in women. Nutrition Today. 2007;42:242- 246. 27. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. MagazineAgent Web site. 2007. Accessed March 10, 2008. 28. HIV/AIDS DPG: A Dietetic Practice Group. American Dietetic Association Web site. 2008. Accessed March 11, 2008. 29. Bandera EV, Kushi LH, Moore DF. Dietary fiber and endometrial cancer risk. Nutrition Research Newsletter. 2008. Web site mi_m0887/is_1_27/ai_n24267618. Accessed March 11, 2008. 30. The Merck Manual of Medical Information. 18th ed. West Point, PA: Me rck Co., Inc.; 2006. 31. AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors Editors. 10th ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press Inc.; 2007. 32. resources page. United States Department of Agriculture Web site. Accessed March 10, 2008. 33. Charney P, Malone A. ADA Pocket Guide to Nutrition Assessment. New York, NY: American Dietetic Association: 2003:223. 34. American Dietetic Association Web site. 2007. Accessed March 10, 2008. 35. Welcome to the Northwest District Dietetic Association. Minnesota Food and Nutrition Professionals Web site. 2004. Accessed March 26, 2008. 36. AMA Citation Style. Long Island University Web site. 2006. https://www.liunet. edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citama.htm. Accessed March 11, 2008. 37. APA Citation Style. Long Island University Web site. 2006. https://www.liunet. edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citapa.htm. Acce ssed March 31, 2008. 38. APA Formatting and Style Guide. The Owl at Purdue Web site. 2008. https://owl. Accessed March 31, 2008.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Citizenship Is A Large Debate Today Essay - 733 Words

Sean Allin Professor Jefferson CULF 1320 3/31/16 Citizenship is a large debate today. Even presidents in the upcoming debate key on citizenship. But today is not the only time in our history that citizenship has been talked about. Whether it be to acknowledge African Americans as citizens or only 3/5ths of a person, citizenship has been a debatable point for many years. The debate of citizenship doesn’t just stop at race. Women, to an extent, have not always been treated as citizens as well. The understanding of the history of citizenship starts with slavery. African Americans have a lengthy history as their fight for freedom from slavery was not an over night process. Until 1787, blacks weren’t even counted as people. Not only were they not citizens, but they weren’t counted as people when determining populations of southern states. At the 1787 constitutional convention the southern states pushed for blacks to be counted as people for income tax purposes and mor e importantly for the number of seats they would have on the house of representatives. With more power from house seats would come more power to the southern states. When given 3/5th of a tally on the census, African Americans were now closer to being citizens even though none had the right to vote. The next advancement that came for the road to citizenship for African Americans was the abolition of slavery. The civil war ran from 1861 to 1865 when the north eventually defeated the south. The 13th amendment statesShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Over Controversy : Turning Heads, White, And Blue Soil Of America897 Words   |  4 PagesThe debate and controversy are turning heads, making newspaper headlines, and circulating the public’s atmosphere, concerning whether or not to enhance the Citizenship Clause. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Themes of Failure, Self Delusion, and Conflict in Death...

Throughout the play â€Å"Death of a Salesman† there are multiple themes, some are obvious and others are just noticeable. Much of it revolves around the Main Character Willy and how he has confused reality with constant illusions and dreams. Based on my experience with â€Å"Death of a Salesman† I can say that there are multiple themes fused through this play. For example the author used these themes to create a strong central meaning or message that the reader can clearly understand. Overall I believe Arthur Miller has delivered conflict, self-delusion and failure to be the root of the many themes included in his book. Conflict is detected much around Willy’s character and everything that revolves around him. On one hand he is constantly†¦show more content†¦According to Biff Loman, his entire life has been a joke. â€Å"I realize what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been! We’ve been talking in a dream for 15 years.† (Death of a Salesm an 81) However Biff realizes that his father and his own dreams were nothing but dreams and illusions. The self-delusion of Biff shows that he has been living in a dream world along with his father, Willy. The Author fixes the mood on pity and sympathy towards Biff and Willy. Self Delusion is strongly backed up by the moods of characters throughout the play as dreams and mere illusions about the average American life. I believe failure is the largest and yet most obvious theme in the story â€Å"Death of a Salesman.† After Willy’s death, during his funeral Biff said â€Å"He had all the wrong dreams. All, all, wrong. He never knew who he was.† (Death of a Salesman 111) Willy accomplished nothing, he felt as if there was nothing he could leave behind for his children and wife. â€Å"I’ve got to get some seeds, right away. Nothing’s planted. I don’t have a thing in the ground.† (Death of a Salesman 96) His entire life was nothing but dr eams and illusions and when it finally came down to the point where those lies had to stop, he knew he had nothing at all. In conclusion failure is expressed in common ways that we are all familiar with, this way the Author can reach his audience clearly and vividly. Arthur Miller placed the thoughts and feelings of the charactersShow MoreRelatedWilly Lowman s Death Of A Salesman962 Words   |  4 PagesMany believe that â€Å"Death of a Salesman† represents a working man’s goal of achieving the American dream, but the disillusioned Willy Lowman uses it as a faà §ade. This faà §ade conceals his narcissistic personality while accommodating for his lack of self-esteem and failures. Willy lives in his own utopic fantasy where everyone knows who he is and he’s treated like a king. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Human Resources Planning free essay sample

President: Yes, we do. However, the human resource department does not hire top management people. As soon as I took over, I found out that two of my vice presidents were retiring and we had no one to replace them. You: Have you hired anyone? President: Yes, I have, and that is part of the problem. I hired a person from the outside. As soon as the announcement was made, one of my department heads came in and resigned. She said she had wanted that job as vice president for eight years. She was angry because we had hired someone from outside. How was I supposed to know she wanted the  job? You: What have you done about the other vice president job? President: Nothing, because I am afraid someone else will quit because they were not considered for the job. But that is only half my problem. I just found out that among our youngest professional employees, there has been an 80 % turnover rate during the past three years. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resources Planning or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are the people we promote around here. As you know, that is how I started out in this company. I was a mechanical engineer. You: Has any one asked them why they are leaving? President: Yes, and they all give basically the same answer: They say they do not feel that they have any future here. Maybe I should call them all together and explain how I progressed in this company. You: Have you ever considered implementing a human resource planning system? President: Human resource planning? What is that? Questions 1. How would you answer the presidents question- Human resource planning? What is that? The ongoing process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use of an organizations most valuable asset its human resources. The objective of human resource (HR) planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. The three key elements of the HR planning process are forecasting labor demand, analyzing present labor supply, and balancing projected labor demand and supply. 2. What would be required to establish a human resource planning system in this company? To establish a human resource planning system in this company we need: * appropriate demand models * good monitoring and corrective action processes comprehensive data about current employees and the external labour market * an understanding how resourcing works in the organisation. 3. What measures should the president take to retain good young employees? The president should take the following measures to retain good young employees: * which are responsive to change * where assumptions can easily be modified * that recognise organisational fluidity around skills * that allow flexibility in s upply to be included * that are simple to understand and use * which are not too time demanding.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Globe Theatre Essays (909 words) - William Shakespeare,

Globe Theatre The Globe Theater is said to be the most important structure in Shakespeare's dramatic career. The Chamberlain Company built the Theater in 1699. The Theater was located on the Southern shore of the Thames River in London. Shakespeare, being a member of the Chamberlain Company, became a shareholder in the Theater. Along with Shakespeare, James Burbage, his two sons, and five members of the troupe owned the Globe (Zenger). This group of men was called Lord Chamberlains Men after a patron of the acting company. In May of 1603, King James I came to see their plays and the troupe then changed their name to The King's Men (Unknown). These people and groups became a living part of the Globe Theater. The Globe was the most important structure to Shakespeare's drama because most of his plays were to be performed on the stage of the Globe. Those plays written by Shakespeare include: Hamlet, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, King Lear, Othello, Julius Caesar (Unknown). These plays that had a huge effect on our literature, had an even larger effect on the people of London. Plays were important to the residents of London because they were an efficient way of getting a message to many people and entertain them at the same time (Unknown1). The playhouses commonly drew thousands, who saw a supposedly fictitious play often with a political undertone. The Globe Theater became the most popular theater amongst the people. In 1611 Shakespeare sold his shares to the troupe because he was ready to retire. Then on June 29, 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII, a wad of flaming debris was fired from a stage cannon and landed on the thatched roof of the third floor (Zenger). The Theater only took two hours to burn completely down, except for the foundation. In a matter of a few years, this theater rose and then fell in one catastrophic event. This tragic event was expected to lead to the demise of The Kings Men, but this consequently worked in the favor of them. After this unfortunate loss to The Kings Men, they were left to pick themselves up and continue. Fortunately for them, in August of 1608 they built an indoor theater called Blackfriars, which they quickly transferred to and began making profits better than ever (Unknown1). This was because of having high priced seats in their smaller theater. This was a quick replacement for the Globe but the people missed the famous theater. This discontent led a new project that was to be undertaken. The main reason for rebuilding the Globe was out of tradition. Construction began on the original foundation. It was rumored that King James and other noble men helped the troupe with the cost of rebuilding (Zenger). The replacement was completed in 1614 using the same basic design as the previous version. Short after the reconstruction of the Globe, Shakespeare passed away. The second Globe was built with more room for costumes and props. It also had more structural integrity so the pillars in the stage were removed. The Globe held performances for many more years until 1642. In this year the Puritans closed down all theaters and other place that would supply entertainment to the people (Unknown). In 1644, the theater was completely torn down in order to make tenements upon the premises. With time, the Globe and its design became only descriptions, in accurate drawings, and pictures. The most accurate illustrations were made in 1647 as viewed from Southwark Cathedral and they were called "Long View London."(Unknown1) Almost three centuries later, in 1945, a plan was made called the Abercrombie Plan that included development of South Bank and reconstruction of the Globe with a Library. Then in 1949, an interested Sam Wanamaker came to look for some remains of the Globe and he found nothing but a mere plaque on the wall of brewery (Unknown1). This was assumed to be the general location of the Globe. Wanamaker invited architects to a meeting and they discussed the Globe in 1969. An architect named Theo Crosby attended and later became the head architect. The following year Mr. Wanamaker established "The Shakespearian Globe Playhouse Trust" and leased an .8-acre lot across from the brewery on Bankside (Zenger). In 1986 they finally won a 125-year lease and the next year the ground breaking occurred. With all the new information such as the illustrations and discovered foundations the figure of the Globe came out of the gray and into focus. The New Globe was then being constructed but it

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Solubility Rules of Ionic Solids in Water

Solubility Rules of Ionic Solids in Water This is a list of the solubility rules for ionic solids in water. Solubility is a result of an interaction between polar water molecules and the ions which make up a crystal. Two forces determine the extent to which the solution will occur: Force of Attraction Between H2O Molecules and the Ions of the Solid This force tends to bring ions into solution. If this is the predominant factor, then the compound may be highly soluble in water. Force of Attraction Between Oppositely Charged Ions This force tends to keep the ions in the solid state. When it is a major factor, then water solubility may be very low. However, it is not easy to estimate the relative magnitudes of these two forces or to quantitatively predict water solubilities of electrolytes. Therefore, it is easier to refer to a set of generalizations, sometimes called solubility rules, that is based upon experimentation. Its a good idea to memorize the information in this table. Solubility Rules All salts of the group I elements (alkali metals Na, Li, K, Cs, Rb) are soluble. NO3:  All nitrates are soluble. Chlorate  (ClO3-), perchlorate  (ClO4-), and acetate (CH3COO-  or C2H3O2-, abbreviated as Oac-) salts are soluble. Cl, Br, I: All chlorides, bromides, and iodides are soluble except those of silver, mercury, and lead (e.g., AgCl, Hg2Cl2, and PbCl2). SO42: Most sulfates are soluble. Exceptions include BaSO4, PbSO4, and SrSO4. CO32: All carbonates are insoluble except NH4 and those of the Group 1 elements. OH: All hydroxides are insoluble except those of the Group 1 elements, Ba(OH)2, and Sr(OH)2. Ca(OH)2 is slightly soluble. S2: All sulfides are insoluble except those of the Group 1 and Group 2 elements and NH4.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Implementation of Integrated Performance Management Essay

Implementation of Integrated Performance Management - Essay Example TQM has a preventive approach and not a detective approach to work (Walton, 1986). It is a proactive system and not a passive one and stresses on removing the defect rather than just locating it. Deming (1986) and Walton (1986) both state that the detective systems have serious disadvantages. Firstly these are results and as such cannot help in correction of past errors. Secondly, the greater loss is that due to errors the customer will be dissatisfied. Thirdly the direct cost of defect detection and later correction or replacement is doubled. Fourthly the human cost by way of fear of performance and loss of pride in workmanship is the greatest of all (Walton 1986). All this can be avoided by following TQM process by not allowing a defective product or service to be sent from production lines. Obviously prevention is better than cure. Performance management should be understood as a tool for measuring corporate objectives and is calculable in tangible form in terms of outputs and finally deliverables to customers. The ultimate goal is to deliver total quality and 100 percent value to the end customer. (Zairi 1994) and this is the standard or benchmark of acceptable performance management that describes the optimum use of all resources. Zairi (1996) goes on to state that product life cycles are getting shorter making it imperative for organisations to turn to innovations with greater speed to remain effective in their markets. Decision making thus becomes dependant on quality assurance systems that provide the required information for these judgments. Performance management is therefore essential to evaluate the quality and to ensure acceptability by customers. According to Zairi and Youssef (1998) in the global context today competition cannot be met with cost efficiency alone. Quality plays an equally important role in assessing competitiveness. Quality is a function of (TQM) and

Friday, February 7, 2020

ESM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ESM - Essay Example In addition, ESM had in mind the inclusion of most of the citizens if not all in making decisions that affect them in the respective countries. ESM has enabled better working conditions in Europe through social dialogues and collective bargaining. According to Europe Industrial Relation dictionary, article eight of Treaty of Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) has been the pillar that supports better working conditions. Its policies and activities takes into account requirements linked to promotions to the highest levels of employment, guarantee of adequate social protection, protection of human health and encouraging the highest level of education (Europe Industrial Relation dictionary, 2011, p.1). Good Industrial relations exist at national level, across other industries, and at the company level that allow companies to take social responsibility of its surroundings. To workers, collective bargaining means better salary and terms of employment with better living conditions. St atistics show that Europe has the highest percentage membership to trade unions at 24% compared to US at 12 % and Japan 18.5%. This means more involvement in workers in decision that concern them and better working conditions. The European Social Model is a success. First, more and more employees joining trade unions show that they are happy about the collective bargaining, which has to date enabled better working conditions. ... Therefore, Europe should continue with the ESM to be an example to other countries of the world. Institutional and Cultural Systems in US versus Japan It is undeniable that the institutional and cultural orientation of a given country greatly determines the perspectives of human resource management. This explains why human resource management in different countries approach their mandate differently (Indiana University of Pennsylvania web). US being one of the major countries dominated by whites since time immemorial, institutional and cultural systems are largely based within the constructs of whiteness. Although there are many institutional and cultural factors affecting HRM operations in US, white supremacy is the most predominant. White culture in US means that most HRM operations have to satisfy the white culture (Pudelko, 2006, p. 123-126). For instance, HRM will consider factors such as racial factors, white ego, white social constructs, power, privileges, and dominance that a re mostly associated with the American whites. This is quite different from other countries such as Japan where other institutional and cultural values are valued. Japan institutional and cultural system is largely based on the traditionally emphasized collectivism. Japanese culture system shares the values, which have been passed on as tradition throughout its history. These historical constructs greatly influence the institutional values since they are bound by traditions, most of which uphold collectivism (Pudelko, 2006, p. 126-138). As such, the HRM operations seek to organise the human resource such that collective gain is achieved whilst individual contribution is appreciated at the same time. This has been one of the